Retail and Leisure Real Estate

What is the impact of building a supermarket, shopping centre or specialist store? What does a sustainable mixed-use concept look like? What subsequent uses are recommended for vacant department stores and commercial buildings?

For private, public and municipal clients, we prepare retail concepts, market and location analyses, after-use strategies and advise you on all questions concerning retail properties and investments.

We provide concepts for leisure real estate as well.  

Contact: Dr. Joseph Frechen, Head of Retail Division, sends email), Ph. +49 40 423222 25.

Publications on the same topic

Here you will find studies and analyses, some of which we have prepared on behalf of customers or on our own initiative based on our data and market expertise. You can download and read many of them free of charge here.

bulwiengesa real estate index 2025

Reals estate index further stagnating, minimum plus

The 5 % Study 2024 - where it still pays off to invest

bulwiengesa has analysed the yield potential of the German real estate markets for the tenth time.

Highstreet Report

The Highstreet Report 2023 for CT Real Estate Partners once again sheds light on the occupancy structures of 141 German high streets.

News about the same topic from our magazine

For our magazine, we have summarized relevant topics, often based on our studies, analyses and projects, and prepared them in a reader-friendly way. This guarantees a quick overview of the latest news from the real estate industry.

Chart of the Month June: Every Fourth Project Development Postponed

Project developments in the A-cities have not only declined rapidly. Many projects are also postponed

Project developments: Few in planning, many postponed

The crisis is now clearly visible among project developers. The market in the seven class A cities is declining, and the traditional project developers in particular are withdrawing from the market. Residential projects, of all things, are significantly affected. And: Many projects are being completed later than planned

Sustainability Creates Favourable Conditions for Transformation

Not every existing property "functions" anymore. What to do? Demolish and rebuild or transform and reuse? We asked around 200 experienced players and, together with Union Investment, have now published the second market analysis on transformation properties.