How hot are the housing markets?
The rise in interest rates is putting a massive damper on residential construction. For the fifth time, we have analysed the relationship between supply and demand for each of the more than 11,000 German municipalities together with BPD for the "Housing Weather Map"10.10.2023
Senior Living – the ideal location
The location is particularly important for properties for seniors. Acceptance by the residents stands and falls with the location of a new building. What should be considered when choosing a location?09.06.2023
How does ESG impact the affordability of housing stock?
The current environment remains difficult for financiers. This is what the experts surveyed for the BF.Quarterly Barometer say, even though the bottom now seems to have been reached. They have different opinions on the above question20.04.2023
No Turnaround in Prices
Rising rents, unrenovated condominiums, sluggish land prices and grandma's money: Sven Carstensen analysed price developments in the German real estate market for an interview with Handelsblatt. Here is the summary13.03.2023
Real estate for senior citizens - 26,000 units missing annually
Anyone who has been in the situation of having to quickly accommodate a relative knows about the dramatic shortage of places. By 2040, over 26,000 new units in service living will be needed - additionally, per year. There is no doubt that more capacity is needed - but in the right places.04.01.2023
Double meaning: subsidised housing as an investment
For many years, investors gave subsidised housing and social housing a wide berth. But now the turnaround in interest rates is making subsidised housing more attractive for them again, and transactions are increasing. For a joint study with INDUSTRIA, we analysed subsidised housing from an investment perspective.30.11.2022
Office, Residential
Germany, France, Netherlands - where to invest?
Where are there still attractive investment opportunities in the office and residential market in Germany - and outside? For the three-country study that we published together with Becken and INDUSTRIA, we also looked at the major French and Dutch markets07.07.2022
The smaller, the more lucrative
For the new report of the Micro-Housing Initiative, we interviewed the operators: for example, about the increased energy costs, their marketing efforts and the state of their business after Corona. The report also contains extensive best practice recommendations for the operation and construction of flats.06.04.2022
Background, Residential
Update hotel real estate
After two years of emergency, the hotel market is still far from pre-crisis levels. Now the situation seems to be improving in slow steps, even if the industry is still wavering between hope and fear14.03.2022
Background, Residential