


Nineteen percent investment decline in corporate real estate

The crisis has also left its mark on the corporate real estate asset class. The investment market is clearly declining, but more properties are being rented. This is shown by the 18th market report of the INITIATIVE UNTERNEHMENSIMMOBILIEN



Project developments: Few in planning, many postponed

The crisis is now clearly visible among project developers. The market in the seven class A cities is declining, and the traditional project developers in particular are withdrawing from the market. Residential projects, of all things, are significantly affected. And: Many projects are being completed later than planned


Chart of the Month

Chart of the Month May: Huge Challenges for Old Buildings

Around 95 % of residential buildings are more than ten years old. Transforming these into zero-emission buildings by 2050 is causing headaches for all involved



No Turnaround in Prices

Rising rents, unrenovated condominiums, sluggish land prices and grandma's money: Sven Carstensen analysed price developments in the German real estate market for an interview with Handelsblatt. Here is the summary


Chart of the Month

Chart of the Month April: Stationary Retail Sales versus E-Commerce

From eyecare to houseplants: We collect consumption data for numerous product groups, e.g. for impact and risk analyses as well as location searches. The share of e-commerce will continue to grow in the future, although it will vary greatly depending on the product group.



Share data with us

We invite all project developers to share data with us - for more transparency in the real estate market and for an up-to-date company profile in the Development Monitor. To ensure that we don't forget a single square metre as well as rankings and profiles, we have been setting up a direct exchange for years.



Real estate for senior citizens - 26,000 units missing annually

Anyone who has been in the situation of having to quickly accommodate a relative knows about the dramatic shortage of places. By 2040, over 26,000 new units in service living will be needed - additionally, per year. There is no doubt that more capacity is needed - but in the right places.


Chart of the Month

Chart of the Month March: Increased rents and operating costs burden office tenants

The increase in rents and operating costs affects all real estate segments. For example, the operating costs for offices in A-cities alone have increased by 63 % since 2021. This is the result of the first joint study "Overall Rental Analysis - Office Market Germany" with BAUAKADEMIE.



Shopping centres: What do customers think?

In the Corona years, many centre owners had to look after their tenants first and foremost. Now, at last, shoppers are flocking in again. Especially now, customer response analyses make sense because many things are in a state of upheaval. Here are some survey results


Chart of the Month

Chart of the Month February: Mixed Mood in the Hotel Market

Overnight stays recovered in 2022, with demand in German resorts again high. Nevertheless, the mood in the German hotel real estate market is mixed. Many households are saving, possibly also on holidays. At least tourism is finally returning to the cities