


Six recommendations for commercial real estate

As "real estate wise men", we looked at office, corporate, logistics and hotel real estate for the Spring Report. And we made six recommendations for politics and business. Three of these recommendations have to do with sustainability


Chart of the Month

Chart of the month April: Share deals are the reality

Share deals are politically controversial, as no real estate transfer tax is payable on the purchase of large real estate portfolios. According to our off-market study for HPBA, about six out of ten transactions take the form of a share deal


Background, Residential

Run on terraced houses

The 46th bulwiengesa Property Market Index shows: Prices have been rising for 17 years. Compared to the previous year, prices have risen by 4.6 percent, an increase of one percentage point. Terraced houses are particularly popular, and commercial properties have also risen massively in price.



There would be enough money

There is a lack of administrative and functional buildings, day-care centres, schools or nursing homes; in addition, the refurbishment backlog and investment arrears add up to billions. On the other hand, investors are looking for sustainable investment opportunities. With the short study "Public Infrastructure Real Estate", we have investigated the demand for different types of real estate for the Barton Group and Audere Gesellschaftsimmobilien.


Chart of the Month

March: The Office Love

The general conditions on the capital market have not changed significantly in 2021. Private and institutional capital is still looking for risk-adequate investment opportunities. German commercial real estate thus remained in high demand in 2021.



Home office is not the end of all offices

The pandemic is affecting the office property market - but how? Discussions often focus on the topic of home offices and the change of workplace concepts. But other factors weigh more heavily


Chart of the Month

February: No bend, on the contrary

Property prices have been rising in Germany for 17 years - without interruption. Compared to the previous year, growth has even increased again in 2021, to 4.6 percent. However, the differences between the segments are large



Logistics real estate: Worth more now than before the crisis?

Demand has long since expanded to secondary locations, as shown by the recently published "Logistics and Real Estate" study - and this despite the fact that new construction activity for 2021 and 2022 is at a new high. This ensures rising values



Massive shortage of care places by 2040

A comprehensive study commissioned by Cureus looks for the first time not only at demographic trends, but also at the stock of care properties and construction activity. The result: if no more building takes place, there will be a shortage of around 168,000 care places by 2040


Office, Residential, Retail, Logistics

Constant to desperate

Apparently nothing can shake the domestic real estate market - Germany is and remains the place to be for investors. Especially flats, logistics properties and offices in top locations are in constant to almost desperate demand. In other segments, however, risk premiums have continued to rise. The current 5 % study shows potential returns